About Maatjes Maatwerk: individual animal behavioral therapy

Maatjes Maatwerk offers individual guidance for you and your animal. Both in training and in tackling behavioral problems and not only for dogs, but for all animals. Whether you have a dog, rabbit or sheep, with the right guidance you can build a bond with every animal. And with that trust, you’ll get a solid base for training or behavioral therapy. Depending on your question, I will draw up a plan of action, which I will then guide you through. Of course, being based in The Netherlands, I can only offer certain types of guidance for training or behavioral therapy. Still, there’s a lot possible, even when working on distance. All it takes is a willing animal owner who can push him- or herself to be consistent.

What I can offer is guidance in training as well as support in rehabilitation, while using various methods. I strongly believe in combining multiple training methods and behavioral therapies, as every animal and every combination of animal and owner is unique. There’s no universal method that’ll work perfectly for every combination animal, owner or situation. That’s why I combine basic training with techniques such as TTouch and Biotensor.

This is TTouch

TTouch consists of subtle touches and guiding exercises that stimulate the nerves, which in turn stimulates the brain of the animal to act in a different way. It steers away from thinking to feeling, making the animal more conscious of its body and its surroundings, breaking mental blockades. This strengthens the self-healing capacity of the body and can break through behavioral patterns and fears. TTouch is even possible from a distance with the help of videos. So, if you have a pressing problem,  there’s a good chance I can help you from a distance.

This is the Biotensor

With the help of the Biotensor -a bioenergetic testing instrument- it is possible to get yes/no answers to questions to your animal. These questions can be focused on the physical as well as the mental well-being of your animal. All a bit vague? I thought so and surfing the internet didn’t make it any better,. But after experiencing first hand what this method can offer, I was level headed enough to admit that it works. I learned how to work with the Biotensor myself, and I discovered it’s actually a very down to earth and great method to help people at long distances. All I need is a recent and very clear picture of the animal’s eyes, looking straight into the lens.

If you have specific questions, please feel free to fill in the contact form. I will contact you as soon as possible to discuss the options.

With Maatjes Maatwerk you'll get renewed contact with your animal!